The life cycle of teak trees
At Tectona Production, we have chosen to have our teak plantations undergo a turnaround age of 14 years or more, if the conditions at this time indicate this. As you will be able to see, of the phases the plantation goes through, there is a very strong thinning and stemming of the trees.
This is important to be able to produce high-quality trees.

Years 1 – 3
In the first year, there are a number of activities that are fundamental and crucial for an optimal establishment of the plantations.
- Collection/purchase of seeds that must be of high genetic quality and of documented origin.
- Preparation of cultivated areas for planting
- Sowing in nursery
- Planting
- Fertilization years 1 and 2
- Cleaning approx. 3 times a year.
- Pruning/pruning (removal of shoots from the base, as well as pruning to a maximum of 50% of the height of the tree)
Between 816 – 952 plants are planted per. ha. depending on genetic material. Ie. the planting distance will be 3.5 x 3.5 meters when planting 816 plants and 3.5 x 3 meters when planting 952 plants.
It is crucial for the establishment and growth of the plantation that the teak trees are not in competition with other vegetation, therefore it must normally be expected that the areas are cleaned two to three times per. growing season. The extent of fertilization depends on the quality of the soil and the cultivation value of the area, including pH value, in general fertilizers are used in years 1 and 2.
Year. 4 – 5
- Cleaning
- Interpretation – reduces the number of trees by 25 – 33%
- Stem 50- 60% of the height of the tree
In the fourth to fifth year, it is essential to get thinned out so that the best trees get enough light and nourishment. Likewise, pedaling is done to ensure a knot-free trunk.
Year. 6 – 8
- Cleaning
- Interpretation – reduces the number of trees by approx. 33%
- Stem 50- 60% of the height of the tree
In the eighth year comes the second round of thinning and re-taming to 50-60% of the height of the tree.
Year. 9 – 15
- Cleaning
- Interpretation – 35%
- Possibly. drift
In years 10 – 12, the last thinning is done whereby the total number of trees is reduced to between 204 – 269.
In years 14 – 15, any drift will be carried out, depending on the market situation and the owner’s objective for the property.