La Relojera
La Relojera - Darién, Panamá
This property is located in the province of Darien, which is the southeasternmost province of Panama, bordering Colombia. The project is located approximately 12 kilometers from the left side of the Pan-American Highway, entering through the community of Zapallal, to the community of La Relojera.
Access to the property by 4×4 vehicle is good during the dry season and part of the rainy season.
Water and electricity:
The property has a well and lakes that provide water for the basic needs of the collaborators throughout the year and for fire fighting in the dry season. Electricity is produced using a small gasoline generator, alongside with solar panels.
Address: La Relojera Community, Metetí District, Pinogana District, Darien Province.
Gross surface area: 189.30 ha
GPS coordinates: N 8° 41′ 46.2″ W 78° 02′ 17.8″
Elevation above sea level: 56 meters

One of the lakes within the La Relojera project.
Documentation of the suitability of the property for teak cultivation
- The average temperature in the range is 27°C, which is close to the optimum temperature, which is 25°C to 28°C.
- The annual rainfall is 2500 mm, which falls in the period between the months of April to December, stopping between January and March when it is the dry season, which ensures that the teak trees have deciduous growth and stop growing, resulting in good quality.
- The height above sea level of 56 meters ensures less fluctuations between temperatures. At this height, temperatures are usually more uniform, which is ideal for the growth of teak trees, as growth is favourable in warm and humid climates.
- The soil is nutrient-rich sandy loam with a pH between 6.5 and 6.7, porous, well-drained and deep, ensuring a good supply of nutrients and water with good root development as a result.
- The terrain is undulating, with slopes not exceeding 20%.
- Wind conditions are limited to short-duration gusts in conjunction with heavy rainfall, which was a challenge for the teak trees in the second and third growing seasons due to strong height growth and lack of trunk strength.
- The soil belongs to category “V”, ideal for forest plantations, as it has few or no limitations for its use. Physical-chemical analysis shows high sand contents, which favors water conductivity and flow, beneficial for the roots.
- With optimal operation and the use of genetics, the best possible growth for teak trees can be achieved.
- Growth measurements after the fourth season show that diameter and height are at or above what is expected, compared to international growth tables recognized for optimal teak location.
- Updated forest map with description of associated vegetation.
- Operational plan was prepared for the plantation operation.
- Annual increment measurements have been taken from the second year of establishment, which facilitates the estimation of standing timber mass.
Planted area:
The property was planted between 2014 and 2019.
- Teak on a total of 131.71 ha.
- Native species used for the growth of mixed forests: Cedar thorn (Bombacopsis quinatum) and mountain almond (Dipteryx panamensis). A total of 4.21 ha.
- Nature conservation areas cover a total of 50.28 ha.
- Constructions on a total of 300 m².

The La Relojera project began in September 2014.

May 2024, 10 years after planting.
Glory values:
To the south we maintain an intact natural forest that has an area of more than 23 ha.
Tectona Production, Inc. has decided to conserve and manage as conservation areas those sites that were not characterized as suitable for teak cultivation. These same areas currently function as wildlife corridors and flora reservoirs, where birds, mammals and amphibians thrive and which also function as water reservoirs for the tributaries that feed streams and rivers in the surrounding communities.