Results of Identification of AVCs and Management of AAVCs
I. HCV Identification Results
In a study titled “Terrestrial Flora and Fauna Monitoring for Tectona Production, Inc. – September to November 2021”, it was determined that the projects identified as HCV 1 were Filo del Tallo and HCV2, La Esperanza. A summary of the findings is presented below in the following table:
Table 1. Results of the identified HCV

II. HCVA Management

The management of High Conservation Value Areas (HCVA) is carried out following the international principles for each type of HCV, since for Tectona Production, Inc., it is of utmost importance to manage and protect natural and cultural resources, encouraging community participation and promoting sustainable development. This is why we ensure that HCVAs are managed according to international standards, given that national legislation does not objectively contemplate regulations for HCVAs in Panama.
To apply the principles in the management of HCVs, we rely on international documents and a study prepared by experts, called “Monitoring of Terrestrial Flora and Fauna for Tectona Production, Inc.” in November 2021, which led us to the following results:
Table 2. HCV Management 1.

Monitoring is fundamental for adequate forest management in the High Conservation Value Areas (HCVA). Its main purpose is to verify what is happening in the HCVA regarding the identified conservation value attributes (CVA), which allows one to make informed management decisions.
The technicians of the company will be responsible for carrying out annual monitoring with trap cameras. The specialists at the same time will generate reports of studies about flora and fauna diversity in the projects every five years. Those results will be published annually in the Public Monitoring Summary.
Therefore, at planning the monitoring of our HCV, we consider these:
Table 3. Types of monitoring and their objectives

Illustration 1. Technical data sheet of the AVC “Filo del Tallo”.

Illustration 2. Technical sheet of the AVCs “Guayacán, La Esperanza and La Relojera”.

Illustration 3. Form to request the registration of a new AAVC.