To invest in teak trees
At Tectona Production, we have chosen to let our teak plantations go through a life cycle of 12 years. As you will be able to see, of the phases the plantation goes through, there is a very strong thinning and stemming of the trees.
This is very important to be able to produce high-quality trees.

Year 1:
In the first year, there are a number of activities that are basic to get the most out of the plantations.
January – March: Collection and purchase of seeds
April: Sowing in nursery
April – May: Preparation of cultivated areas for planting
June – August: Planting
Between 800 – 1200 plants are planted per. ha., depending on the genetic starting material. Ie. the planting distance will be 3 x 4 meters – 2 x 4 meters depending on the number of trees per. ha.
In addition, it is important that the plantation is cleaned once or twice a year. growing season depending on vegetation and rainfall. The extent of fertilization depends on the results of soil analyzes and the cultivation value of the area, including pH value.
Year 4:
In the third year, it is essential to get thinned out so that the best trees get enough light and nourishment. There is also pruning to ensure that there are no knots in the wood.
- Thinning – reduces the number of trees by 25%
- Stem 50 – 66% of the height of the tree
- Fertilization
Year. 8:
In the 8th year comes the second round of thinning and stuttering.
- Thinning reduces the number of trees by 33%
- Stem 50 – 66% of the height of the tree
- Fertilization
Year 12:
Drift in November – December in year 12, so as to ensure volume growth in year 12.