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El Guayacan
The property is located in the province of Darién, which is the southeasternmost province of Panama, bordering Colombia.
The property forms the boundary to the Pan-American country road over a stretch of approx. 450 meters.
Address: Caratera Panamericana, Km. 271 camino de Panama Ciudad a Yaviza de Darién. Republic of Panama.

La Aruza
The property is located in the province of Darién, which is the southeasternmost province of Panama, bordering Colombia.
Address: Caratera Panamericana, 150 meters before the kilometer Km. 269 camino de Panama Ciudad a Yaviza de Darién. Republic of Panama.

La Esperanza
The property is located in the province of Darién, which is the southeasternmost province of Panama, bordering Colombia.
Addresses: Caratera Panamericana, Miles Km. 282 camino de Panama Ciudad a Yaviza Provencia de Darién. Republic of Panama.
Drive past the building Quebrada Felix after bridge no. 1. turn right off the first gravel road and drive 4.5 km.

Filo de Tallo
The property is located in the province of Darién, which is the southeasternmost province of Panama, bordering Colombia.
Addresses: Caratera Panamericana, Miles Km. 283 Camino de Panama Ciudad a Yaviza Provencia de Darién. Republic of Panama.
Take the road towards the village of Quebrada Félix after bridge no. 2 turn right and drive 1.5 km. on a gravel road, then arrives at the central part of the property.