Teak a good investment
Guaranteed growth
Even if teak prices stagnate, your investment in teak will continue to grow over the next 12 years. This will happen as the trees grow right up until they need to be felled.
Teak wood has for decades experienced increases that are above general inflation. This, combined with the fact that the trees are bought in at a fraction of their maturity value (12 years old), means that we expect a return of 22.7% of our investment.
Protection of rainforest and environment
Annually, about 10 million ha of forest are cleared, and despite the fact that North America and Europe have an influx of forest, there is a worldwide net decline of up to seven million hectares annually.
Tectona Production does not clear existing forest areas and therefore does not cut down forest to make room for teak tree plantations.
On the contrary, Tectona’s investment concept helps to ease the pressure on the natural forest and thus contributes to a better environment for future generations.

Social and economic
Tectona has a special focus on involving the poor in the local population, who, through an improved economy and life, gain a greater understanding of and confidence in the changes that the company’s work brings about in the local environment.